Since 2010, the construction and installation engineering company "River Group" has been participating in the implementation of large projects in the field of industrial and civil construction.
The professionalism of the companys employees and responsible corporate governance have become the basis for the safety and high quality of construction at the customers facilities, large projects in the chemical, energy, oil and gas industries.
The engineering staff of the company carries out geodetic surveys and control at construction sites using modern high-tech equipment. River Group engineers produce sets of executive schemes and prepare executive documentation for any type of work.
Experienced welders carry out a set of measures for high-quality installation of special-purpose metal structures, installation and piping of petrochemical and gas processing equipment, lay main pipelines, carry out emergency recovery and repair work.
The River Group company is dynamically developing and sets itself the most ambitious goals. Their achievement is impossible without the main value of the company - a professional and competent team.
River Group offers not only work on interesting projects, but also a system of continuous training a
The River Group company welcomes proactive and competent applicants who are ready to become a member of the team of professionals.
The River Group company has acquired significant experience in implementing large projects in the chemical, oil and gas, and energy industries. The company managed to solve technologically complex problems at the facilities of PJSC Gazprom, PJSC SIBUR Holding and other significant partners throughout Russia: from the Murmansk to the Amur regions.
Fruitful cooperation with our partners in the implementation of large projects in the chemical, energy, oil and gas industries throughout Russia allows us to solve the most complex problems in a short time.
We publish information about modern industrial and civil construction materials, as well as new projects implemented in cooperation with the engineering construction "River Group".